Ollama Cheatsheet

Here is a comprehensive Ollama cheat sheet containing most often used commands and explanations:

Installation and Setup

  • macOS: Download Ollama for macOS using the command:
  curl -fsSL https://ollama.com/install.sh | sh
  • Windows (Preview): Download Ollama for Windows.
  • Linux: Use the command:
  curl -fsSL https://ollama.com/install.sh | sh
  • Docker: Use the official image available at ollama/ollama on Docker Hub.

Running Ollama

  • Run Ollama: Start Ollama using the command:
  ollama serve
  • Run a Specific Model: Run a specific model using the command:
  ollama run <model_name>

Model Library and Management

  • List Models: List all available models using the command:
  ollama list
  • Pull a Model: Pull a model using the command:
  ollama pull <model_name>
  • Create a Model: Create a new model using the command:
  ollama create <model_name> -f <model_file>
  • Remove a Model: Remove a model using the command:
  ollama rm <model_name>
  • Copy a Model: Copy a model using the command:
  ollama cp <source_model> <new_model>

Advanced Usage

  • Multimodal Input: Use multimodal input by wrapping multiline text in triple quotes (""") and specifying image paths directly in the prompt.
  • REST API Examples:
  • Generate a Response: Use the command: curl http://localhost:11434/api/generate -d '{"model": "<model_name>", "prompt": "<prompt>"}'
  • Chat with a Model: Use the command:
    bash curl http://localhost:11434/api/chat -d '{"model": "<model_name>", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "<message>"}]}'

Integration with Visual Studio Code

  • Start Ollama: Start a terminal session and execute the command:
  ollama serve
  • Run a Model: Start a second terminal session and execute the command:
  ollama run <model_name>

AI Developer Scripts

  • ai_review: Scours through your codebase for specific files, provides suggestions and code examples, and saves them in a review-{current_date}.md file.
  • ai_commit: Suggests a commit message based on staged changes.
  • ai_readme: Creates a README file automatically based on your project.
  • ai_pr: Provides a PR review message automatically.

Additional Resources

  • GitHub Repository: Find the GitHub repository for AI developer scripts at https://github.com/ikramhasan/AI-Dev-Scripts.

Other Tools and Integrations

  • Lobe Chat: An open-source, modern-design LLMs/AI chat framework supporting multiple AI providers and modalities.
  • LangChain: A Java version of LangChain.
  • AI Vtuber: A virtual YouTuber driven by various AI models, including Ollama, for real-time interaction with viewers.
  • AI Code Completion: A locally or API-hosted AI code completion plugin for Visual Studio Code.

Community and Support

  • Reddit: Join the Ollama community on Reddit for discussions and support.

Documentation and Updates

  • Official Documentation: Refer to the official Ollama documentation for detailed guides and tutorials.
  • GitHub Topics: Explore the Ollama topic on GitHub for updates and new projects.

Additional Tips

  • GPU Support: Use the command:
  podman run --rm --device nvidia.com/gpu=all --security-opt=label=disable ubuntu nvidia-smi -L
  • NVIDIA GPU Support: Generate the CDI spec according to the documentation and check that your GPU is detected.
  • Openshift: Use the commands:
  oc new-project darmstadt-workshop
  oc apply -f deployments/ollama.yaml
  • Debugging: Use the command:
  oc run mycurl --image=curlimages/curl -it -- sh

Additional References

  • Ollama Cheat Sheet: Refer to the Ollama cheat sheet for detailed information on using Ollama.
  • LLM AppDev Hands-On: Refer to the LLM AppDev Hands-On repository for additional information on developing applications with local LLMs.

Additional Tools and Resources

  • Streamlit: Use Streamlit to run your Ollama application.
  • Podman: Use Podman to run your Ollama application in a container.
  • NVIDIA GPU Support: Use the command:
  podman run --rm --device nvidia.com/gpu=all --security-opt=label=disable ubuntu nvidia-smi -L
  • Openshift: Use the commands:
  oc new-project darmstadt-workshop
  oc apply -f deployments/ollama.yaml
  • Debugging: Use the command:
  oc run mycurl --image=curlimages/curl -it -- sh

Additional Tips and Tricks

  • Customize a Model: Use the command:
  ollama create <model_name> -f <model_file>
  • Customize Prompt: Use the command:
  ollama create <model_name> -f <model_file> -p <prompt>
  • Chat with a Model: Use the command:
  curl http://localhost:11434/api/chat -d '{"model": "<model_name>", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "<message>"}]}'
  • Generate a Response: Use the command:
  curl http://localhost:11434/api/generate -d '{"model": "<model_name>", "prompt": "<prompt>"}'
  • Multimodal Input: Use multimodal input by wrapping multiline text in triple quotes (""") and specifying image paths directly in the prompt.
  • REST API Examples:
  • Generate a Response: Use the command: curl http://localhost:11434/api/generate -d '{"model": "<model_name>", "prompt": "<prompt>"}'
  • Chat with a Model: Use the command:
    bash curl http://localhost:11434/api/chat -d '{"model": "<model_name>", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "<message>"}]}'

Additional Resources

  • GitHub Repository: Find the GitHub repository for AI developer scripts at https://github.com/ikramhasan/AI-Dev-Scripts.
  • Reddit: Join the Ollama community on Reddit for discussions and support.
  • Official Documentation: Refer to the official Ollama documentation for detailed guides and tutorials.
  • GitHub Topics: Explore the Ollama topic on GitHub for updates and new projects.

Additional Tips and Tricks

  • GPU Support: Use the command:
  podman run --rm --device nvidia.com/gpu=all --security-opt=label=disable ubuntu nvidia-smi -L
  • NVIDIA GPU Support: Generate the CDI spec according to the documentation and check that your GPU is detected.
  • Openshift: Use the commands:
  oc new-project darmstadt-workshop
  oc apply -f deployments/ollama.yaml
  • Debugging: Use the command:
  oc run mycurl --image=curlimages/curl -it -- sh

Additional References

  • Ollama Cheat Sheet: Refer to the Ollama cheat sheet for detailed information on using Ollama.
  • LLM AppDev Hands-On: Refer to the LLM AppDev Hands-On repository for additional information on developing applications with local LLMs.

Additional Tools and Resources

  • Streamlit: Use Streamlit to run your Ollama application.
  • Podman: Use Podman to run your Ollama application in a container.
  • NVIDIA GPU Support: Use the command:
  podman run --rm --device nvidia.com/gpu=all --security-opt=label=disable ubuntu nvidia-smi -L
  • Openshift: Use the commands:
  oc new-project darmstadt-workshop
  oc apply -f deployments/ollama.yaml
  • Debugging: Use the command:
  oc run mycurl --image=curlimages/curl -it -- sh

Additional Tips and Tricks

  • Customize a Model: Use the command:
  ollama create <model_name> -f <model_file>
  • Customize Prompt: Use the command:
  ollama create <model_name> -f <model_file> -p <prompt>
  • Chat with a Model: Use the command:
  curl http://localhost:11434/api/chat -d '{"model": "<model_name>", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "<message>"}]}'
  • Generate a Response: Use the command:
  curl http://localhost:11434/api/generate -d '{"model": "<model_name>", "prompt": "<prompt>"}'
  • Multimodal Input: Use multimodal input by wrapping multiline text in triple quotes (""") and specifying image paths directly in the prompt.
  • REST API Examples:
  • Generate a Response: Use the command: curl http://localhost:11434/api/generate -d '{"model": "<model_name>", "prompt": "<prompt>"}'
  • Chat with a Model: Use the command:
    bash curl http://localhost:11434/api/chat -d '{"model": "<model_name>", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "<message>"}]}'

Additional Resources

  • GitHub Repository: Find the GitHub repository for AI developer scripts at https://github.com/ikramhasan/AI-Dev-Scripts.
  • Reddit: Join the Ollama community on Reddit for discussions and support.
  • Official Documentation: Refer to the official Ollama documentation for detailed guides and tutorials.
  • GitHub Topics: Explore the Ollama topic on GitHub for updates and new projects.

Additional Tips and Tricks

  • GPU Support: Use the command:
  podman run --rm --device nvidia.com/gpu=all --security-opt=label=disable ubuntu nvidia-smi -L
  • NVIDIA GPU Support: Generate the CDI spec according to the documentation and check that your GPU is detected.
  • Openshift: Use the commands:
  oc new-project darmstadt-workshop
  oc apply -f deployments/ollama.yaml
  • Debugging: Use the command:
  oc run mycurl --image=curlimages/curl -it -- sh

Additional References

  • Ollama Cheat Sheet: Refer to the Ollama cheat sheet for detailed information on using Ollama.
  • LLM AppDev Hands-On: Refer to the LLM AppDev Hands-On repository for additional information on developing applications with local LLMs.

Additional Tools and Resources

  • Streamlit: Use Streamlit to run your Ollama application.
  • Podman: Use Podman to run your Ollama application in a container.
  • NVIDIA GPU Support: Use the command:
  podman run --rm --device nvidia.com/gpu=all --security-opt=label=disable ubuntu nvidia-smi -L
  • Openshift: Use the commands:
  oc new-project darmstadt-workshop
  oc apply -f deployments/ollama.yaml
  • Debugging: Use the command:
  oc run mycurl --image=curlimages/curl -it -- sh

Additional Tips and Tricks

  • Customize a Model: Use the command:
  ollama create <model_name> -f <model_file>
  • Customize Prompt: Use the command:
  ollama create <model_name> -f <model_file> -p <prompt>
  • Chat with a Model: Use the command:
  curl http://localhost:11434/api/chat -d '{"model": "<model_name>", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "<message>"}]}'
  • Generate a Response: Use the command:
  curl http://localhost:11434/api/generate -d '{"model": "<model_name>", "prompt": "<prompt>"}'
  • Multimodal Input: Use multimodal input by wrapping multiline text in triple quotes (""") and specifying image paths directly in the prompt.
  • REST API Examples:
  • Generate a Response: Use the command: curl http://localhost:11434/api/generate -d '{"model": "<model_name>", "prompt": "<prompt>"}'
  • Chat with a Model: Use the command:
    bash curl http://localhost:11434/api/chat -d '{"model": "<model_name>", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "<message>"}]}'

Additional Resources

  • GitHub Repository: Find the GitHub repository for AI developer scripts at https://github.com/ikramhasan/AI-Dev-Scripts.
  • Reddit: Join the Ollama community on Reddit for discussions and support.
  • Official Documentation: Refer to the official Ollama documentation for detailed guides and tutorials.
  • GitHub Topics: Explore the Ollama topic on GitHub for updates and new projects.

Additional Tips and Tricks

  • GPU Support: Use the command:
  podman run --rm --device nvidia.com/gpu=all --security-opt=label=disable ubuntu nvidia-smi -L
  • NVIDIA GPU Support: Generate the CDI spec according to the documentation and check that your GPU is detected.
  • Openshift: Use the commands:
  oc new-project darmstadt-workshop
  oc apply -f deployments/ollama.yaml
  • Debugging: Use the command:
  oc run mycurl --image=curlimages/curl -it -- sh

Additional References

  • Ollama Cheat Sheet: Refer to the Ollama cheat sheet for detailed information on using Ollama.
  • LLM AppDev Hands-On: Refer to the LLM AppDev Hands-On repository for additional information on developing applications with local LLMs.

Additional Tools and Resources

  • Streamlit: Use Streamlit to run your Ollama application.
  • Podman: Use Podman to run your Ollama application in a container.
  • NVIDIA GPU Support: Use the command:
  podman run --rm --device nvidia.com/gpu=all --security-opt=label=disable ubuntu nvidia-smi -L
  • Openshift: Use the commands:
  oc new-project darmstadt-workshop
  oc apply -f deployments/ollama.yaml
  • Debugging: Use the command:
  oc run mycurl --image=curlimages/curl -it -- sh

Additional Tips and Tricks

  • Customize a Model: Use the command:
  ollama create <model_name> -f <model_file>
  • Customize Prompt: Use the command:
  ollama create <model_name> -f <model_file> -p <prompt>
  • Chat with a Model: Use the command:
  curl http://localhost:11434/api/chat -d '{"model": "<model_name>", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "<message>"}]}'
  • Generate a Response: Use the command:
  curl http://localhost:11434/api/generate -d '{"model": "<model_name>", "prompt": "<prompt>"}'
  • Multimodal Input: Use multimodal input by wrapping multiline text in triple quotes (""") and specifying image paths directly in the prompt.
  • REST API Examples:
  • Generate a Response: Use the command: curl http://localhost:11434/api/generate -d '{"model": "<model_name>", "prompt": "<prompt>"}'
  • Chat with a Model: Use the command:
    bash curl http://localhost:11434/api/chat -d '{"model": "<model_name>", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "<message>"}]}'

Additional Resources

  • GitHub Repository: Find the GitHub repository for AI developer scripts at https://github.com/ikramhasan/AI-Dev-Scripts.
  • Reddit: Join the Ollama community on Reddit for discussions and support.
  • Official Documentation: Refer to the official Ollama documentation for detailed guides and tutorials.
  • GitHub Topics: Explore the Ollama topic on GitHub for updates and new projects.

Additional Tips and Tricks

  • GPU Support: Use the command:
  podman run --rm --device nvidia.com/gpu=all --security-opt=label=disable ubuntu nvidia-smi -L
  • NVIDIA GPU Support: Generate the CDI spec according to the documentation and check that your GPU is detected.
  • Openshift: Use the commands:
  oc new-project darmstadt-workshop
  oc apply -f deployments/ollama.yaml